Remember sorrow is NOT an indictment.
There is NO shame in grief.
Don’t let any boob tell you otherwise.
Blinded by shame
we often rush toward healing
yet gain no progress.
In the twenty-eighth chapter
of the Dao De Jing
we read that if we accept the world
the Dao will be luminous inside us.
But acceptance is easier said than done.
After all, as mammals
we are wired to cling to our loved ones
and feel their suffering most acutely.
BEFORE you meditate
with the words “Notice this…
contemplate four to twelve repetitions
of the following rhetorical question:
As you breath in
silently and mentally recite “How could I…”
and as you breath out
silently and mentally recite “accept this?”
while physically relaxing
as best you can.
Try this whenever grief strikes afresh.
Like the mourners on Naboo
at Padme Amidala’s funeral.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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