In open court,
the sexual assault victim wept,
“Why do rapists find me?”
In an uncharacteristic moment of tenderness
the judge (jaded, and grizzled, and tired)
comforted her:
“There are human predators,
and like their shark or wolf counterparts
they are cowards who are wired to be drawn
to the weak, and the vulnerable.
The more sexual assaults we endure,
the more injured and weakened we become,
the more human sharks
smell blood in the water.
This is true with sexual assailants,
and it is true with the narcissists
who manipulate, and demean and exploit.
They prey upon our empathy,
and exploit the self-doubt
inherent to our humility.
Our best defense
is to meditate in such a manner
as to heal our wounds
and sharpen our bullshit detector.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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