Many self-appointed
masters of manifesting
have scolded me
decrying that my Buddhist practice
must to be impotent
for after all
I do not possess
the outward trappings of wealth
to the degree they do.
I would beg to differ for:
when contrasted with others
who (like me) were born
with fetal alcohol syndrome
I possess a wealth of health,
when contrasted with others
who (like me) were born
with a birth trauma brain damage
I possess a wealth of health,
when contrasted with others
who (like me) endured juvenile onset PTSD
for the worst of possible reasons
I possess the wealth of health,
when contrasted with other monks
I possess a wealth
of Dharma realizations;
I have a loving tantric partner,
I live in a beautiful apartment,
in a friendly neighborhood,
I have several sets of robes,
I have plenty of vegan food,
I have Internet access
and the means to teach
the Buddha’s methods digitally.
In view of all that,
I am rather fortunate.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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