The Jedi counsel, upon Coruscant,
cautioned the juvenile Anakin Skywalker
that fear is the path to the dark side.
And yet a careful examination
of the prequel trilogy reveals
how very frightened of the dark side,
the council had grown;
ironic is it not?
In this galaxy, however,
we play with the synonyms:
trust, and rely, and believe.
All the while forgetting
that they are calls to grasp.
To hold onto certain thoughts,
and to hold onto certain emotions.
And yet, in the same breath
that we exhort others to trust
we also invite them to let-go?
Which is it?
Hold on or let-go?
Like the prequel council,
our metaphysics are confused.
The center will not hold.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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