Not all meditation teachers
are created equal.
Not all contemplative techniques
are beneficial.
And if we have been taught meditation methods
that are cryptic, arduous, and unpleasant
in the vague hopes of someday being enlightened
then we could very much be
like a bored child on a long car ride
forever whining, “Are we there yet?”
Ironically, if enlightenment
is the mastery of letting go and contentment
then greedily reaching for it
could be akin to making love
in the name of virginity.
May we practice meditation techniques
that are so pleasurable, entertaining, interesting, and fulfilling
that they feel like the liberation
that the Buddha described.
Perhaps that is what Zen master Dogen meant
when he wrote metaphorically
that meditation IS enlightenment.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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