We want to be the good guy,
we want to do the right thing.
But it is not always easy to know
what the right thing is, now is it?
If doing what we think is best
makes us feel even a little bit sad,
is that a red flag?
Are emotions
a reliable barometer
of reality?
No, not at all,
not even a little bit.
Emotions are flighty, dodgy, tricky things
and are seldom grounded in reality.
There is one way to really know,
for you could always find a cheer leader
or a neigh sayer.
If we wish to avoid the extremes
of being either scattered or hyper-analytical
then cultivate their antidotes
of mindfulness and meditation,
like our friend from the “Clone Wars,”
Asoka Tano.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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