Our brainstem (or reptilian brain)
is not very cuddly,
it can be self-centered, short sighted,
and downright ruthless.
Lacking any sense of cooperation
it seems little wonder
that there have been no reptile packs or herds,
no less civilizations.
Our mammalian brain contains
an anterior cingulate gyrus.
It serves as the nexus of our mirror neurons
and is literally wired
to feel others pain and pleasure
as if it was ours.
It therefore can seem quite unsurprising
that both compassion and cooperation
are our mammalian calling cards.
The ONLY way we can weather a lethal pandemic
is for the strong to look out for the weak
through hygiene, social distancing, masking, and vaccinating.
If we won’t inconvenience ourselves
enough to cooperate with the needs
of the young, the aged, and the immuno-compromised
then we make of ourselves a liability
to the survival of the species.
May we each think better
of our antisocial choices
while we still have a society.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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