Harvey Diamond wrote,
“…put a baby in a crib
with an apple and a rabbit.
If he eats the rabbit
and plays with the apple
I’ll buy you a new car.”
We are each born pansexual vegans,
until society gets its hands on us.
Perhaps that is why human breast milk
tastes of cantaloupe.
As high functioning mammals
we are born for compassion and cooperation.
But there is absolutely nothing remotely empathetic
about paying a stranger
to exploit, torture and murder
cows, pigs, chickens or fish
just because we want a snack.
Everything with a brainstem
want’s only to live and not to die.
Every mammal wants only to love
and to be loved.
Chewbacca chose not to eat the Porgs
during his stay on Ahch-to.
Whether driven by love of planet, animals, or health;
we too could choose to eat vegan.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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